Amsterdam, the Netherlands I 11-12 FEBRUARY 2025

Scientific Committee

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Rochellys Diaz Heijtz

Jane Foster

UT Southwestern, USA

Jasper Buikx

Winclove Probiotics, the Netherlands

Elaine Hsiao

University of California, Los Angeles, USA

Eldin Jasarevic

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Michiel Kleerebezem

Wageningen University, the Netherlands

Aletta Kraneveld

Utrecht University, the Netherlands

Marion Leboyer

University Paris Est Créteil, France

Sylvie Binda

Lallemand Health Solutions, France

Filip Scheperjans

Helsinki University Hospital, Finland

Wake Forest School of Medicine, USA

Drew Kiraly

John F. Cryan

University College Cork, Ireland

Babette Jakobi

Jonathan Swann

University of Southampton, UK

Winclove, The Netherlands